Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Culture And Globalisation At Wal Mart Management Essay
cultivation And Globalisation At Wal Mart Management EssayCulture matters because ball-shapedisation creates one of the most important achievements in todays world. The global market provides tremendous opportunity for logical argumentes moving all around the world. Understanding heathen residuum instinctive only increase the victory of companies going aboard. Global companies enter a worlds with dissimilar currencies and behavior norms. The hands become diverse to due to changes do to global company going abroad, which natural creates challenges when setting up business in a new country. Many companies are global thusly pagan saying is a key firearm to a undefeated business globalization provides better opportunities to company investing in a new market. The internationalisation of business has exposed firms to large range of norms for doing business therefore they motif to crack value assumption. This essay will level how Wal-Mart the largest retail chain inside reading with cultural difference when opening its doors to Japan Market. Wal-Mart cannot directly transfer its corporate culture of low-cost, high -bulk model, hugely successful in US, to Japan. Wal-Mart is moving into a expel new market, they moldiness enter the market as a blank canvas. Roger Mark clear state in ordinance to piddle global success, its no longer enough to confuse a hot new product that will save time, or a novel idea that could revolutionize an industry. You excessively postulate to run into the cultural determine, behaviour styles, negotiating techniques and business practices of the country where you are doing business. Wal-Mart and Japan have different habits. Wal-Mart is moving more to cut middleman and forcing stores to catch ones breath open for 24 hours. The Nipponese culture is based more on fresh produce and in high demand for perishable goods rather bear on food. They are known for the high demand of character good and high income. Wal-Mart is trying to force their low cost high bulk and badly tonus product on the Nipponese market. The company essential wonder if their own corporate culture is enough to solve the problems with diverse cultures. If the company itself does not understand the cultural differences it faces can it reap the benefits? Culture is comprised of both value and norms.Culture is a companionable interest which intelligibly identifies battalion interest, thoughts and behaviours. In order for Wal-Mart to blend they must manage cultural diversity because this is in many stages of the internationalization of the business and in all form of the market entry. Wal-Mart is more based on Ethnocentrism rather than Polycentrism. When entering a new market the business needs to adapt to the specific taste of local people. Wal-Mart cannot deliver the same layout of stores throughout the world, they must adapt to culture. According to Kurt Barnard It was a dumb thing for Wal-Mart to do, By not understandin g cross-cultural influences and not changing the format of their stores to fit cultural differences, Wal-Mart will be unable to compete in remote markets. Even fast franchise McDonald learned their lesson in Indian. Now a day McDonalds has localize in products to for reason of taste and to reference of the local culture therefore creating regional flavors for particular markets. If the statement by Kurt Barnard is true Wal-Mart did not have a run across in Japan. Wal-Mart needs to learn new ways of doing business oversea. If we consider the Japanese culture we can clearly see that there living shoes is much smaller than average American house, therefore high-bulk model will not relate to them. Wal-Mart must understand their behaviour first in order to respect the local culture of Japan. What to Japanese consider normal or better as to product and quality? Once Wal-Mart determines this can use the information to better sales campaigns and business interactions instead of employ o ne approach that they believe works everywhere. The firm must determine the countries norms therefore must have cross- cultural awareness between the Japanese and American culture.Wal-Mart needs to determine japan culture norms and values. Japanese culture is based on community, family and being part of large group. Why has Wal-Mart failed in the Japanese Market first time because it has treated the japan market the same as everywhere else. Global companies need to know that half of business performs acquisition fail because they do not input measures that deal with cultural differences. Wal-Mart acquired a Japanese business. This should of allowed them understand the culture par to its competitors like Carrefour who learn the hard way. Companies must require the knowledge of the local culture and the way of doing things. One of issues Wal-Mart faced was terminology barriers in Japan. Wal-Mart is using English-speaking executives to run a retail operation that heavily depends on a detailed understanding of domestic culture. Global company must understand that languages can influence the business in so many ways. Language is the most important aspect to the business success because this should unlock local societies. Wal-Mart knew in full well when entering markets like Japan through acquisition brings together employees from Seiyu with employees from Wal-Mart who speak different languages should have adopted a language that can be related to local people. Ideally the international managers in Wal-Mart should be Bi-multilingual. Most American firms tend to slow down their English rather than study the language of Japan The American companies that have succeeded in Japan have done so by using Japanese executives and allowing a significant amount of autonomy. Wal-Mart that seems to be making the same mistake it did in Germany, relying too much on American executives, and not enough on local control. We can clearly see that all Global Companies are faced with many problems which range from language, pricing and culture collisions because cultural differences shape the use and interpretation of words. Edward hall draw a useful distinction between low and high context cultures. Many Asian countries are seen as high cost cultures. Business need to be aware that problems will natural arises when high and low cost culture businesses get together. The model is useful in understanding why different cultures might communicate differently because High context south Asian culture companies differ so widely from their low -culture western cultures. When companies go global their main objective should be to overturnle any difficulties face with culture because once mistakes are made they are hard to fix. This will only lay the global company operation in the host country. All corporation must have multicultural awareness is a vital to a successful business you must know particular industry you are entering. If you do not do this the success of th e business is slim. Wal-Mart must localize and do things the Japanese way by encouraging local branch decision making, building local supplier contracts and using local promotion schemes on the other hand Wal-Mart was more focus on doing things the American Way. Wal-Mart did not consider the taste of Japanese people. issue culture has a powerful influence on peoples interpretations, understandings, and assessments of those with whom they work-Cultural values can affect decision making, managerial style, interpersonal trust, teamwork, and the role of women in the workplace, among other issues. In order to have successful entry Wal-Mart needed to put one over correct and accurate information. Managers in Wal-Mart should undertake An intercultural training course such as Managing International Teams or Managing International Mergers and Acquisitions will give international managers heterogeneous in a merger or acquisition the insights they need to develop an effective working cultu re that plays to the strengths of their multicultural teams and maximises the cultural benefits of their companys acquisition.Japanese Culture is altogether different to the Wal-Mart American culture. Hofstede clearly leavens the differences between the American and Japanese culture. Cultural dimensions can provide details allowing global companies to deliver the best cultural dodge with a great outcome. Hofstedes cultural dimensions clearly layout the cultural difference of countries or societies. Wal-Mart adopted a management style that did not sit well with the Japanese people. Wal-Mart persuaded Seiyus management in 2004 to dismiss 25% of headquarters staff, including 1,500 employees and managers. That kind of mass discharge happens rarely in Japan, which places a premium on social harmony. And when the firing is done at the behest of foreigners, it takes on added negative connotations. Geert Hofstede (1984) clearly tell that culture is the collective programming of the min d which distinguishes the members of one human group from another.Hofstede research show how national culture can also affect the workforce in an fundamental law. Wal-Mart did not use the Greenfield Investment, which involved entering a country without a accessory from the host country. Wal-Mart did the opposite so it should be fully aware of the effect of the Japanese culture. It is up to the managers in corporation to understand culture. Hofstede finding looks for sub cultural and regional differences, industry differences and differences arising from the organisational culture .Power distances with means people will accept unequal distribution of powers. In the Case of Wal-Mart you can see that it is more like compare to Japan, therefore they need to give more power to local managers and their supplier-network. Americans do not accept power distances. Japanese hold harmony as a social ideal, patience as a personal virtue, and hierarchy as an essential organizing principle. Ame ricans, in contrast, hold freedom as a social ideal, action-orientation as a personal virtue, and equality as a fundamental organizing principle. Even though this model does not present detail analyses of individual cultures. It does show you where each country fits. These are challenges many managers will face in today global markets because not managing culture effectively can stop product as well as production. We have seen that the Hostede model such as individualism versus collectivism and feminity versus masculinity help categorize as well as identify cultural differences. If we take individualism versus collectivism you will know that Americans or more independent and have self -determination compare to Japan where the workforce work in groups. The use of the concepts of cultural dimensions such as those of Hostede and Trompanear provides the means to construct cultural clusters of countries or subcultures within and across countries. These cluster can be used to identify ar eas which need tuition in order to reduce problems caused by cultural differences .For example advertise can use this model shape ads relative for certain cultural dimensions. Wal-Mart need this because once Seiyu was taken over it became a whole new store. Yes Wal-Mart provided low cost products but the high quality products that Japanese are use too disappeared. The bad thing about these models is they assume that culture does not change and the develop serotypes and it is most base on the management of the company. Wal-Mart can also determine how difference their culture compare to Japanese. This model shows the comparison between national cultures. In order to produce success using these theories Wal-Mart must show consideration and care in dealing with cultural differences both inside and outside the organisation. Japanese people are willing to pay top price for goods of high quality. Wal-Mart should ensure that their global company service as well as product meets the standa rds of the people living there. anxiety must also take place managers relationship between the home and host country in terms of working practices. Firms need to be small to culture because if they dont it can cause failed joint ventures as well as misunderstandings, there cultural difference need to respected across borders. Employees in the organisation must be aware norms and the general customs when entering the host country is a must. Businesses need to understand the impact that cultural differences have on the career progression of their employees and on communication and decision-making, Firms can solve the problems of cultural difference by engaging in cross- cultural training. Some researchers have stated that Wal-Mart is way behind the knowledge of the locals taste. One of the reasons that failed Wal-Mart internationally is when it attempt to transport the companys unique culture and retailing concept to each new country. Gilman (2004) asserts that in Wal-Mart overseas expansion, it has been trying hard to launch the supercenter concept, therefore the corporate culture does not match the national culture.In this essay we have seen that internationalisation of a business have expose the business to different norms when crossing cultural borders because the more firms move away and enter new market. A comparison between National cultures is important. We have seen the clash in the national cultures between countries as well as the corporate culture. We can clearly see that how culture play as important role in success of a global company. The theory clearly compare how companies like Wal-Mart tries to impose the same norms on all it foreign markets. The approaches to solving cultural differences clearly assume that firms will be given advantage. Cultural should be the heart of the organisation because we can clearly see that it determine the success or failure of the firm. It is up to the employees in the organisation who exist within the corporate culture to understand the outside environment culture because we must see culture as ever changing. In order to solve the problem with culture we must learn to adapt. The company needs strategy development to in order to overcome the hurdles caused by cultural differences. We can clearly see that every country and region have their own culture, therefore global companies must have a good understanding. Culture is clearly the way of live for people it is only natural that companies leave their ethnocentric culture which the basically see own their culture rather than the Polycentric culture. This creates conflict as we seen in both corporate cultures as well as national culture. In order to over such problem global companies need to acknowledge the diverse culture around them. No more assumption and judgment because people learn culture through what they are taught. It is only natural for global companies to put in effect strategies allowing them to adapt to the cultural changes. If we take the company coca plant Cola strategy which change the sweetest of their soda to meet the consumers taste buds in different countries. They did not neglect the needs of the local people therefore have full respect of their culture and history. We have seen how cultural theories like Hofstede can allow global companies to take into consideration the cultural cluster that effect inn but the problem with this theory is more based on how the organisation can improve culture difference inside the global company rather than environment outside the organisation. Even though there are cultural differences inside the company you can still relate this to natural culture.
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