Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Nursing Assignment Focus On A Mens Health Problem - 825 Words

Nursing Assignment: Focus On A Men's Health Problem (Essay Sample) Content: NameCourseInstructorDateConventionally thought of as just a men's health problem and that despite the focus of big improvements on it in the last four or so decades, heart disease it remains the top killer of women and to lesser extent men. Moreover, heart disease has also been one of the leading causes of serious ailments and disability that have proven costly to America's and global healthcare systems consequently destroying the quality of the life and lifestyle of women. According to cardiologic research statistics and facts in the recent decades, heart diseases that among others include cardiovascular diseases tend to affect more women than men.Heart diseases are among the leading causes of death for women not only in the United States but also worldwide despite being one of the most preventable. Statistics point to the death of at least one in every four women resulting in millions of deaths annually globally despite the increase in heart disease awareness over the past few decades. Coronary microvascular disease and broken heart syndrome are among others the heart diseases that affect women more than men in the past few decades partly due to unhealthy lifestyle habits practiced by mostly females. One of the leading causes of heart disease in women attributes to the gradual narrowing or blockage of the blood vessels way smaller and lighter compared to those in men that supply blood to the heart. The said blood vessels that include the coronary arteries get clogged by blood lipids causing coronary artery disease that eventually results in women having heart attacks.Each year more women than men have cardiovascular disease, particularly because the average womens' life expectancy globally is greater than that of men, and the highest rates of cardiovascular diseases among other heart diseases are in the group of aging women. Women not only tend to get heart disease at a later old age but also more vulnerable to heart attacks than men. An intr ospective optimistic comparison between men and women brings forth that, many women particularly before attaining the age of menopause are thought to be under some part protection from the risks of developing cardiovascular diseases among other heart diseases.The vulnerability of women to cardiovascular diseases is not only unclear but also devastating to women. This vulnerability of women to heart disease is surprising to most because cardiology experts opine that the female hormone, estrogen present in women probably guarantees them some protection from the risks of heart disease during their highly reproductive years. Estrogen cushions a woman from risks of heart disease by increasing levels of good cholesterol and conversely decreasing the levels of bad cholesterol among other blood lipids. The increase in the rate of developing heart disease complications partly attributes to the decline in the female hormone estrogen concentrations in the body during menopause that cushions an d gives then some immunity from heart diseases. Cardiology research and studies figures point to an increased risk for heart diseases experienced in women mostly after reaching the age of menopause.Notably, most women with heart disease can lead satisfying lives and even have safe pregnancies.However, there are some stark differences on how heart illness or condition affects women adversely with particular mention of biological situations such as menstruation, birth control, and pregnancy. Regarding menstruation, women in this case adolescent girls with heart disease may experience a delay in the start of their menstrual cy...

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

New English Language Words †Hot Off the Press!

Oxford University Press offers an innovative free dictionary and language reference service. Their site, OxfordDictionaries, is updated quarterly with the newest additions to the English language, selected for inclusion based on a variety of different sources. The words must be important and significant, and also be judged to be â€Å"long-lasting† in order to make the cut. There is also a word of the day and a short list of words that are trending. You may have heard of a few of these â€Å"new† words, perhaps you want to use them in your own writing, or you might just want to skim through the list to satisfy your curiosity. Whatever the reason, I’m sure you will agree that a few of these words are just down right awesomesauce. Adjectives awesomesauce: informal for excellent; extremely good Like I said earlier, â€Å"Whatever the reason, I’m sure you will agree that a few of these words are just down right awesomesauce† butthurt: (informal) unjustifiably or overly resentful or offended That butthurt comment about my friend’s haircut was really rude and it should not have been said. fast-casual: denoting or relating to a type of high-quality self-service restaurant that prepares dishes to order that are more expensive than those typically available in a fast-food restaurant Let’s eat at that fast-casual restaurant tonight; I heard the food is great and we’ll have just enough time to eat before the movie. glanceable: denoting or relating to information, especially as displayed on an electronic screen, that can be read or understood easily and quickly The glanceable bank statement showed me that I still had money in my account. hangry: (informal) irritable or bad-tempered as a result of being hungry My hangry brother needs to eat before we go to the football game and then he will feel better. skippable: (of a part or feature of something) able to be omitted or passed over to get to the next part or feature Most of the previews were skippable and also the commercials. We just wanted to see the movie. Nouns bants  (also  bantz): (informal) playfully mocking or teasing remarks exchanged with others; banter The bants went back and forth over who was the better cook until we both agreed that his girlfriend was the better cook. blockchain: a digital ledger in which transactions made in bitcoin or other cryptocurrency are recorded chronologically and publicly The accountant checked the blockchain to make sure that the company accounts were accurate. brain fart: (informal) a temporary mental lapse or failure to reason correctly He just had a brain fart, but he will most likely remember the idea soon. bruh: (informal) a male friend often used as a form of address Hey, bruh, do you want to go to the basketball game? cakeage: (informal) a restaurant charge for serving a cake that is not supplied by them It was well worth paying the cakeage to help celebrate the party. cat cafe: a cafà © or similar establishment where people pay to play with the cats that live on the premises My grandmother loves going to the cat cafe. She’ll sit there all afternoon and drink her tea and pet the cats. cupcakery: a bakery specializing in cupcakes My little brother loves cupcakes of all kinds so it is no wonder that the cupcakery down the street is his favorite bakery! deradicalization: the action or process of causing a person with more extreme views to adopt a more moderate position on social or political issues Her husband’s conservative views played a role in the deradicalization of her more liberal opinions. fur baby: a person’s furry pet animal After a busy day at work, I headed home to a hot bath, good food, and my fur baby. mecha: in anime, manga, etc., a large armored robot, typically controlled by a person inside the robot itself It was interesting to see the mecha lead the parade although I wondered if the inside of the robot was air-conditioned. meeple: a small (stylized human form) figure used as a playing piece in certain board games The board game consisted of the board, two sets of colored cards that stated various directions, dice, and meeples for moving about the board. mic drop: (informal) deliberately dropping or tossing aside one’s microphone at the end of a performance or speech that the performer considers to have been particularly impressive At the conclusion of the voice solo, the singer did a mic drop as the audience gave a standing ovation. microaggression: a statement, action, or incident regarded as an instance of indirect, subtle, or unintentional discrimination against members of a marginalized group such as an ethnic or racial minority There was one political candidate who had a microagression embedded in his speech, and although it may have seemed harmless, I am sure it caused some hurt. social justice warrior: (informal, derogatory) a person who expresses or promotes socially progressive views As for me, I am voting for ___, the social justice warrior! weak sauce: (informal) something that is of a disappointing or poor standard or quality It was weak sauce the machine broke the first day it was used. wine o’clock: an appropriate time of the day to start drinking wine For someone who likes wine, they might say that any time is wine o’clock. Verbs fat-shame: cause someone judged to be fat or overweight to feel humiliated by making critical or mocking comments about their size The audience was shocked that the comedian fat-shamed the plus-sized actress. pocket dial: unintentionally calling someone on a mobile phone kept in one’s pocket, as a result of pressure being accidentally applied to a button(s) on the phone Has anyone ever pocket dialed you and then was surprised when you answered the phone? Or maybe you pocket dialed someone and surprised yourself! Conclusion So, if you are as fascinated with words as I am, you might want to try using a few of these. And, just remember, you can always look up more new words that have been added to Write and let me know how it goes. Which word(s) did you try? What was the reaction? Now that this article is finished, I think I will check out that cupcakery down the street. After all, my little brother isn’t the only one who likes cupcakes!